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The Heather Trust prides itself on its ability to facilitate meaningful discussion and effective working relationships with a wide range of organisations to strengthen our mission.

Bracken Control Group

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British Association for Shooting and Conservation

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Cairngorms National Park Authority

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England & Wales Wildfire Forum 

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Foundation for Common Land

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Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust 

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Heriot-Watt University

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Innovative Farmers

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James Hutton Institute

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Moorland Association

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Natural England

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Pasture for Life

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Scotland’s Moorland Forum


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Scottish Bracken Working Group

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

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Scottish Gamekeepers Association 

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Scottish Land & Estates

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Scottish Wildfire Forum

(current Chair of the Communications Committee)

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The Moredun Institute

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University of Liverpool

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University of York

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Working for Waders

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